Wednesday, October 09, 2019

My Yearly Update?

So here's a thing - I've noticed that I only need this space about once a year (ish), but when I need it I really need it. It's my thought sorter. It's my listening ear. It's my place to actually just be, and whether or not I've been heard at least I've been able to express myself.

But for those of you who actually follow this blog and for those of you who might stumble across it one day, I owe you an update.

My master's is going really well - I'm in the internship portion and already have my own independent referrals coming in. I honestly love this job. So much.

We didn't move for that job I'd applied for. I ended up not getting it (despite their best attempts to finagle things and hire me anyway). I do have a job at my placement site, so I'll start making actual money in January. In the meantime my husband has quit working and it's honestly been the best decision. He's so much healthier and happier now because he has the time and brain-space to attend to himself.

Know what's bothering me this time? Personal relationships.
I have always struggled with being codependent. I tend to swoop in and rescue people and then not allow them to develop the independence they need to be healthy (because then they wouldn't need me!) as a means of self-affirming my identity. It was pretty twisted, and by the grace of God I'm glad to say I've overcome that mentality and even lost most of the associated habits.


Then something happens and I don't know what to do.
A legitimate desire to support someone who is learning to accept support from others but is holding me at arms length. Or, so it feels. I'm accustomed to being close to this person. Legitimate family. And I'm struggling because I'm coming from a place of honest desire to support (No Codependency!) and they're learning how to accept honest support and now all of a sudden I feel like I'm the only one they won't accept any support from. It's like my hands are tied and all I'm trying to do is reach into their life and be present. Be alongside. Ensure they know they're not alone.

It's an incredibly discouraging feeling. To know you're capable and yet unwanted. You feel quite helpless, and that's a difficult thing for me. I've honestly been crying and praying and writing through this all day and I'm okay with where I've ended up.

I can't control their reactions. I can't control their choices. I can be hurt and upset, and with reason, but then I need to manage my own self and ensure I stay available. I need to refuse to allow my own hurt to cause others hurt, which means I go to God with hands open. Maybe barely open, but open. It's not my job to hold or carry my friends, my family, my loved ones. It's His.

Absorbing hurt so that it doesn't pass on to someone else is really hard to do. I think that's actually a good description of what it means to forgive. I absorb it because I love the people who hurt me. I want to be the loving hands and feet and voice of Jesus to them. I can't do that without grace. I can't do that without forgiveness.

Also - there's so much freedom in the knowledge that God's got it. He's big. He's much more capable than I am. I'm safe to open my hands and not carry anyone because God.

So. This is me trying.

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