Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Glance in the Mirror

Have you ever come face-to-face with a part of yourself you didn't like? Hated, actually? I don't mean obvious sin-nature kind of stuff, I mean parts of your very character that you didn't know were there.

That's me tonight.

I was reminded of my arrogance, my presumption, my lack of consideration for others. Especially those I'm closest with. It's not pretty.

In fact, I feel like I've betrayed confidence. Betrayed trust. Betrayed who they are to someone else. And, really, I guess that's what I've done. You see, I like to have knowledge. Knowledge of things, knowledge of people, knowledge of procedures. All the knowledge. And I like to share it. But what happens when it's not mine to share?

I hurt my friend. The one who shared with me in trust.

This isn't the first time I've done this, either. A few years ago I did it again to another friend. I shared something they were trying to keep confidential.

It's easy for me to justify my actions; I'm an open person and don't keep things secret in my own life, so it's hard for me to put myself in someone else's shoes and imagine not wanting to share. But that's no excuse.

Lord! Help me to be more considerate!! I'm tired of hurting those I care about.