Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Pride Again

It says something that I already have a post entitled Pride, and here I am writing about it again. It says I'm not learning as quickly as I'd like.

Confession time, friends: I'm having a really difficult time not being really upset and deriding myself right now. You see, I let pride get the better of me tonight. I let a construct of who I was take centre stage, attempting to upstage God himself. And all in the name of ministry.

I don't want a false me to minister to others. I want to be useful. Pliable. Attuned to Holy Spirit.

God, forgive me!

Forgive me for putting on that authoritative hat, for assuming my job, and for taking the reins. Forgive me for praying what I thought needed to be prayed target than for waiting for your directions.
Thank you for working despite me! You are so great, so powerful. Truly you are Almighty God.

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